Friday 6 December 2013

Mick McGough seemingly unable to avoid own goals!

Mick McGough seemingly unable to avoid own goals!! 
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! .
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name! .

Mick McGough seemingly unable to avoid own goals! A style of behaviour which he unpleasantly and dishonestly employs in a somewhat deranged and dishonourable manner all too often bringing UKIP into disrepute repeatedly!

I was much amused to see Mick McGough making a fool of himself but unfortunately his endless dishonesty, corruption and efforts to defame reflect badly on UKIP as he has managed, largely through dishonesty and cheating to become a member of the NEC.

He made the following comment on the UKIP controled and dominated so called British Democracy Forum, set up by that dishonest scoundrel Anthony Butcher in an effort to gain cudos with UKIP and get himself elected, at which he proved to be a spectacular failure though his toadying did get himself onto the NEC briefly but although quite competent in written format his communication skills andf inability to think on his feet let him down and he lost his position quite rapidly.

The odious proven liar and cheat Mick McGough today made the silly comment:
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What about the cult of liar GLW to whom you are in thrall Niall ?       
He really makes a fool of himself with his idiotic attacks - which he has never ever been able to justify or show provenance of, particularly in view of his proven track record of dishonesty and vile comments and behaviour many of which are, as you will have noticed, are shown on this blog and such documents as UKIP's Returning Officer's documented example of Mick McGough's corruption, dishonesty and efforts to cheat his so called colleagues to get himself elected.

It is unfortunate for the EUroSceptic movement that they have so many unpleasant scoundrells like Mick McGough leaching off of the EUroSceptic cause - probably a very big part of why they have achieved so very little despite the vast amount of money they have squandered and stolen!

Endlessly attacking me for exposing the truth and for my campaigning to try to clean-up UKIP to try to make it fit for purpose clearly damages their claimed cause.

Not only is Mick McGough clearly a fool he is a dishonest & corrupt fool - sadly typifying others who have been raised to Farage's NEC.
On another web site this same article has led to the following comment:
I have read your statement about Mike McGough but have failed to read what it is that he is supposed to have written or said that makes him look foolish. You seem to specialize in sweeping statements without any real comment. I’m intrigued to know about the many you criticise have actual been guilty of or said and done. But them I suppose you can’t say without facing serious penalties for defamation or slander. This whole site is one big slanging match with those who no doubt called your bluff. You don’t really have any grounds for complaint apart from a big shoulder chip because you failed to gain a position within the party. I’m not surprised at the expulsions that have occurred from time to time but I know they don’t all go away and start a blog with comments such as yours. Why not try being nice and polite for a change after all life is short and hell comes around sooner than you think.
Have a nice life.

To which I responded:


thanks for taking the time to try to explain your opinion.
If you want more facts on the liar and cheat Mick McGough you need only use >SEARCH<
or view:

You claim not to have read what McGough & others have said, yet it was in this instance precisely quoted with the source given!

You also accuse me of 'sweeping statements' with little comment – Perrhaps you have not read the 1,000s of links I have provided and the factual data I have provided in support of my statements in the some 2.1/2 thousand postings on this web site alone!

Perhaps you can name one example where I have used 'bluff' that someone may have 'called' as you suggest!

You might also care to provide a single unsustainable claim I have made or consequential error in my postings or any kind of untrue or unsustainable (un sourced & cross referenced) comment I have made let alone 'slander'.

The site is not, as you disparagingly claim, 'one big slanging match' – it is an effort to provide a clear archive of the corruption, dishonesty, incompetence, greed and criminality of UKIP leadership clique and its noisome claque provided in an effort to forece UKIP, which has clearly been corrupted, to clean-up its act to make it fit for purpose to lead in the field of EUroScepticism to Leave-The-EU.

You show your lack of factual knowledge & show yourself to be rather foolish with your comment:

'You don’t really have any grounds for complaint apart from a big shoulder chip because you failed to gain a position within the party.'

I have listed item after item of clear, unequivocal grounds for 'complaint' with extensive examples and cross referencing. Perhaps you can identify what you call a 'chip on the shoulder' beyond contempt at the betrayal of the electorate and the exploitation of the EUroSceptic cause by some in UKIP and their thefts from the public purse and self indulgent behaviour, dishonesty and self enrichment that has so damaged the cause.

You are completely wrong with your claim I have acted because I 'failed to gain a position within the party.' Firstly I have never had personal ambition to gain a political position, I have never joined UKIP nor any other political party nor put myself forward for any political party or political income or position in any party – clearly your comment is just a small minded and apparent attempt to defame me based on not a single fact!

You said:
'I’m not surprised at the expulsions that have occurred from time to time …'

Nor am I but I find most of such expulsions to be inappropriate and seemingly made in self interest by the leadership clique with little or no honourable or acceptable due process and such expulsions have all too frequently been based upon lies and dishonesty by those who seek to suppress the facts, transparency, probity and the truth. Many competent activists and supporters have been forced out of the party ensuring the party has never presented a stance or gravitas and well informed data, guidance and leadership for our Country and its peoples.

You also said:
'… but I know they don’t all go away and start a blog with comments such as yours.'

Would thaty they had as perhaps UKIP might have been cleaned-up by now and regained the support of the many 1,000s of decent informed activists of stature and gravitas who have left the party in disgust – they might now have achieved something of value towards Britain leaving the EU and a number of MPs of consequence and ability.

You also admonish:
'Why not try being nice and polite for a change …'

I believe that being 'nice' is a matter of telling the truth and exposing corruption, dishonesty and betrayal, perhaps you could identify where I have been impolite as a theme!

It would be nice to see more people being honest and exposing corruption and self interest that is to the detriment of these United Kingdoms and its peoples – I shall continue to acquit my duty and call on people like you to find out the facts before jumping to conclusions and to act honourably and follow my actions to clean up UKIP to make it fit for purpose.

You also cautioned:
'… after all life is short and hell comes around sooner than you think.'

Life is indeed short and it is terrifying how the self interests of a small group of scoundrels can so easily cause damage to a worthy cause like EUroScepticism as have a clique of self serving neredowells who control UKIP have done with their odious claque, all too often defaming and telling lies from a position of anonymity or in abuse of authority.

Sadly I can not share your superstitious belief in retribution in hell as that would give me great pleasure in the realisation that the evil actions of a few in UKIP would face such justice for their greed, self interest and dishonesty – even perhaps for their corrupt ineptitude!

Thank you for your opinion and now that you may find yourself in command of rather morer facts it will be interesting to see if you have the ethical grounding to offer an apology for your wild leap to judgement and resultant defamatory statements.



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Monday 27 August 2012

Mick McGough of UKIP NEC's Lies & Fantasies

Mick McGough of UKIP NEC's Lies & Fantasies#0000* - TITLE!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Mick McGough of UKIP NEC's Lies & Fantasies!

Sadly such dishonesty & corruption has repeatedly brought The EUroSceptic movement into disrepute and the self interest of those seeking preferment has been a betrayal of these United Kingdoms and greatly aided The EU in its efforts to destroy Brtitain and its values!


I note with utter c ontempt the liar, cheat and proven low life scoundrel Mick McGough is yet again excercising his fantasies and obsessions in an effort to defame me!
Mick McGough seemingly seeking to ingratiate himself with
an apparently somewhat 'tired & emotional' Nigel Farage!
Rich when it comes from a proven liar who set out to cheat his colleagues for his own personal gain - an odious little man who criminally uses the internet and who has brought the EUroSceptic movement into such disrepute with his parasitic vain glory in befouling The Freedom Association with his presence and his involvement with the CIB.

Not to mention of course the extent to which he has befouled and debased UKIP by seeking to drag them into the gutter he so clearly feels so at home in - a gutter befouled with his constant self interested lies and speculative falsehoods.

Here is his comment of today, made on Anthony Butcher's squalid little forum which is provably controlled by Mick McGough's low life colleagues amongst UKIP's leadership:

Steve GLW may well have had a knock at the door when he revealed info specifically banned by a court from publishing.You really give him too much respect given his whole aim is to undrmine the anti EU movement.He hates it when we suggest he's paid ,which I am sure he is.Of course he must be worried that his benefits might be affected.

So let us consider what this vile little man is claiming:
This I gather is in response to detailed facts and opinions presented by Steve Morson, on that same Forum.

Let us not forget Steve Morson was legitimately and honestly elected to be chairman of UKIP's regional committee - Mick McGough had to resort to dishonesty and corruption to seek preferment in UKIP as shown at CLICK HERE where you will note despite his dishonesty as shown in UKIP's Returning Officer's Official Report he came a risible 6th. with only 137 votes amonst his so called friends, on his home territory and was beaten into that position by some notable liars and various dishonest individuals who have, like himself, brought UKIP into disrepute and undermined genuine EUroScepticism in their corrupt self interest!
GLW may well have had a knock at the door
Fortunately I have absolutely nothing to fear from ANY knock on my door - having NEVER wittingly or deliberately broken any law nor, unlike Mick McGough, have I ever deliberately lied to mislead or for personal gain.
when he revealed info specifically banned by a court from publishing.
I have never in my life wittingly published information which was a matter under any such legal notice. I do gather that Gerard Batten sought, in my opinion dishonestly and corruptly, to suppress the truth of his various Court appearances. Details which I quite legitimately published as there was no reason to believe he was so ashamed he sought to suppress the facts - though one might well understand why his efforts to seemingly incite racial hatred based on religious superstitions counter to his own may well be grounds for such dishonesty!

I am also aware that UKIP via individuals in their claque dishonestly obtained details of a technical offence, with relation to an automatic pistol, and legitimate corresponding ammunition, which was accidentally imported into Britain, with household effects by a then lady friend of mine.

An offence for which I chose, for personal reasons, to accept responsibility and which was about 30 years ago and thus 'legally spent' and despite only a fine levied at the time UKIP were only too happy to see it unlawfully publicised and distorted - a measure of the suitability of UKIP to hold office ANY office!We note that in his desperation to dishonestly defame Mick McGough frequently sites this spent issue!

Perhaps since Mick McGough, would seem to claim, I should have known of the dubiously obtained Court ban, with regard to Gerard Batten's Court appearances, how come the matter was clearly in the public domain or I would not have been aware of it and nor would he!
You really give him too much respect
I believe the so called 'respect' attributed to me by Steve Morson and others, in as far as it may be is for my consistent efforts to be honest and accurate in exposing corruption in public office and my consistent efforts in opposing membership of The EU by these United Kingdoms with no attempt to personally profit from such efforts nor to seek preferment - funding every such action that I have taken with my own money.
given his whole aim is to undrmine the anti EU movement.
What a desperate and squalid lie - We note Mick McGough whop has so befouled the EUroSceptic movement in his personal interest, is unable to ever site facts, merely fanciful and defamatory lies, he and others have invented to justify their defamatory dishonesty and efforts to silence me for having exposed their corruption and self interest.
He hates it when we suggest he's paid ,
Frankly considering the source of the lies it is a matter of indifference but as the defamatory lies are so often made by those who, like Mick McGouggh, seek personal gain by repeating these lies - Indeed I expose them for the self seeking liars they are.

You will note that never ONCE have any of these low lifes EVER been able to identify a single iota of evidence or substantiation of their dishonest and defamatory comments.
which I am sure he is.
Tjhis can only, it would seem, be a certainty based upon the apparent fact that Mick McGough himself is without ethics, patriotism or integrity and wopuld himself act for money and is motivated to lie and cheat for personal gain and also to defame and mislead in his repetition of his lies without a shred of factual evidence to back his serial dishonesty.
Of course he must be worried that his benefits might be affected.
Indeed I do have the benefit of drawing a somewhat nominal old age pension being eligible by contribution and age and did for a short period, during treatment with Chemo Therapy and Radiation treatment for what was a prognosis of terminal cancer receive a sum which - since I was unable to work covered PART of the cost of my petrol for visits to Velindre for that treatment.

I do not and nor have I ever received any other legitimate State benefits beyond those of the society I seek to defend from liars like McGough and the low lifes with whom they associate.

Yet again Mick McGough, were he an honest man of any integrity, would publish a full retraction and public apology for his utterly dishonest attempts to defame me - However I believe we can be, as ever, certain he will not be man enough nor honourable enough to do so.

Anyone wishing to check or verify ANY claimed fact about me is welcome to seek that clarification and provenance from me and do note that I strive to ensure the facts and the veracity of every posting I have ever made and details backing their accuracy can be found at CLICK HERE

I trust this exposure of the corruption and self serving lies of Mick McGough will be of help - It would be nice to think he might cease and disist in his serial dishonesty and criminal behaviour as a 'Cyber Stalker' but such a personality change on his part would seem unlikely - once a grubby little liar always a grubby klittle liar I have tended to find of the likes of such scum of our society!


Greg Lance-Watkins
01594 - 528 337

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
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Tuesday 17 July 2012

Mick McGough of UKIP NEC Denounced As A Gutter Snipe!

Mick McGough of UKIP NEC Denounced As A Gutter Snipe!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Mick McGough of UKIP NEC Denounced As A Gutter Snipe!
His track record of dishonesty, corruption and outright abuse - his lies and self serving cheating speaks volumes from his gutter & hugely aids The EU in discreditting The EUroSceptic movement he befouls!


good to see someone else has the measure of this gutter snipe and proven liar and cheat Mick McGough who has done so much to aid and support Britain's catastrophic membership of The EU by befouling UKIP over many years as an appologist for dishonesty, corruption and fraud lick spittle to such human waste as Gerard Batten, Andrew Smith and tjhe other self serving, self seeking garbage that has floated to the top in the septic tank of UKIP  which has so obscenely betrayed its supporters and members.

You may find Ian Gilman's comments on UKIP of interest.

I can attest to almost all that he claims and states as a result of my own efforts to try to clean up UKIP to make it an honourable organisation fit for purpose not just the refuge of scoundrels and low lifes as it most clearly is now.

It is virtually impossible to name a single solitary individual in UKIP leadership and its foul mouthed, abusive and dishonest claque of ANY gravitas, integrity or trustworthy competence - little wonder so many decent activists have quit in disgust for a listing of a good few CLICK HERE

Quote Originally Posted by mick mcgough View Post
You really lack bottle Ian;typical of the pro EU fantasists in UKFirst.
Ian Gilman's reply to the vile little bully, criminal, liar and cheat Mick McGough was:

I How pathetic and a gross lie too. You guttersnipe. What L.M.F you THE one person who actually showed a determined effort to run UKIP legally.

Alone 10/05 on the NEC I challenged the fraudster and former police officer Tom Wise MEP.
UKIP Wine World destroyed by Wise, aided and abetted, no money ever found no HMRC documents. An outsider approved by the NEC cost a four figure sum.Meanwhile embezzeling , was it £ 3,000 per month ?for five years ?
No other member dared to second me. They pathetically bowed their heads to their blotters. Michael Nattrass MEP, deputy leader just raved at me admitting frauds.
Its all contained within Southwark C.C. files.
Why , given a total lack of support for protecting the members money and interests even worse many areas of fiscal practice where mystery is attached to the movements and whereabouts of our money, our families money as donated should any reasonoble person remain in order to be associated with such practices. Just compare and contrast those protecting Wise et al and those of us who walked. Delroy Young, Dr.Abbott, Dr. Edmund, Dr Richard North, John Pratt, Heather Cunningham, Robin Page etc..........................

Then East Mids C.C. I challenged again financial practice with much mystery attached to it,
having previously explained matters to the members contact asking for assistance; the Regional Organiser.Asking on behalf of members; most of whom were of a pensionoble age, as to its journeys and money whereabouts. Despite providing copius quantities of information, facts and figures I was treated to serious threats of violence, beatings and an evident death threat.
My computer was spammed and destroyed costing me thousands £. My mother traced and intimidated, etc.
I endured witness intimidation and attempts to pervert the course of justice, the News of the World were leaked my details from somewhere ( Bedfordshire police and Tom Wise's drinking friends from The Ship Inn ? UKIP ?) my Tom Wise witness statement containing actually certain very serious information, being hacked out of my computer ( as with others) yet throughout I stood firm, resolute and willing to testify in favour of the thousands of decent members who gave so much.

I withstood this vile EMCC onslaught for one hour and twenty minutes.I never raised my voice or used bad language, I simply persisted.

I am aware that threats have been made to perhaps three persons seperately to have them murdered, and their bodies disposed of for as little as £ 1,000 remain on file. Just incredible, the standards of Sicily. All because they dared to ask a question usually about money.

Then I had the moral fibre to actually attempt to assist the Crown and the police (unfortunately friends of Tom Wise MEP as explained by him ) to recover our money, to set matters upon a straight course.

Meanwhile, instead of writing fatuious rubbish you will be well served auditing ( as a professional man and member of the NEC thus central to much financial knowledge) - auditing the many areas such as UKIP Wine World etc. and sending your audited accounts along with any intellegence and material evidence to:

Independent Police Complaints Commission,
Casework Manager; Helen Alderson,
1st Floor Oaklands House,
Washway Road,

Quoting reference, 2012 / 001000.

This will cover all three Bedfordshire police investigations, (yes his friends as defined by him kept three investigations tightly within their own force, no outside influence allowed) involving Tom Wise and other matters too.

Matters concerning the News of the World, in the run up to the Wise C.C. case are in the hands of the Metropolitan police under operation 'Wheeting' ( also I think 'Elvedon' and 'Tuleta' may impact.) From their several calls to me I seem to recall they had 30,000 telephone numbers/persons to trace and deal with via N.I./N of t. W, a massive task that must due to scale select certain priorities.

Meanwhile I read herein that the Electoral Commissioners became somehow involved regarding Sovereign Draw,/Sovereign Draw Ltd., a Logo owned by another and questions regarding routes of money and the pennies banked by UKIP from every pound donated.

Do your duty by the members Mr professional man. Mr NEC man.  
I can confirm that Tom Wise paid £8,000 to solicitors to try to suppress the truth about his embezzling money dishonestly gained from the public purse having fraudulently obtained the money, as clearly planned, using documentation his co accused Lindsay Jenkins had signed as an instrument of fraud subsequently claiming when charged that she had acted unwittingly & had signed the document as an ex Government employee, ex Bank employee, with degrees and research skills used to be employed as a researcher and also as an author of several books.

Tom Wise finally changed his plea when he realised his lies were implausible and fortunately for Lindsay Jenkins the charges against her were dropped.

As I know Tom Wise spent £8K with solicitors to try to prevent me publishing the truth which led to his being sentenced to two years in prison!

That Mick McGough entered into acriminal process of harrassment mailing over 20,000 ill mannered, unsolicited and abusive eMails to my spam filters, clearly designed to intimidate me - There is no doubt whatsoever of his criminality.

It is also noteworthy that Mick McGough lied about his status and achievements to cheat his colleagues and mislead the electorate - this dishonesty was well documented in his attempt to dupe others into his achieving the status of a UKIP MEP.

I can also confirm the expletive riddle rant of Mike Nattrass in his attempts to cover-up for Tom Wise's theft from the tax payers using as ground that he and the other UKIP MEPs were 'ALL' involved in fraudullently stealing money to enrich themselves.

This statement was made clearly and unreservedly by Mike Nattrass, at an NEC meeting, in an effort to intimidate Ian Gillman and other individuals at that meeting seeking to make UKIP fit for purpose and electable, including Petrina Holdsworth who was lied to and lied about by UKIP's gutter trash who pass for leadership!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
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Tuesday 28 February 2012

Mick McGough Shown for The Vituperative Fool HE IS!

Mick McGough Shown for The Vituperative Fool HE IS!.
Mick McGough
Mick McGough (Photo credit: Euro Realist Newsletter)
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Mick McGough Shown for The Vituperative Fool HE IS!

Mick McGough's vindictive malice damages the EUroSceptic cause one wonders if he joins unsuspecting organisations like The Freedom Association & UKIP to deliberately bring them into disrepute for The EU!

Mick McGough has made it abundantly clear that he believes the ONLY motivation for any action is money - thus perhaps he is rewarded for his unpleasant cyber bullying and stalking of those he believes he can intimidate!

I wonder how one time leading member of UKFirst & now editor of Freedom Today Feels about prostituting beliefs for money!

May I remind readers that UKIP Leadership have declared those who joined UKFirst to be proscribed members!!

it seems Mick McGough is determined to show himself for the odious & iresponsible fool many of us know him to be!

Uber Member mick mcgough's Avatar
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Feb 2006
I note that Nikki uses Chartered Accountants to Report On but not Audit here allowances;

Transparency Nikki Sinclaire Your MEP West Midlands

these statements are given without resposibility and are really worthless.

I note surprisingly that they do not report on travelling expenses

Join Date
Nov 2005
Michael Mcgough, may we send your remarks to RSM Tenon, a well known firm of accountants--that their statements 'are basically worthless'.Your remarks on the audit are also disingenuous, they, that is RSM Tenon, make extremely clear statements that the expenses are fully in accord with rules of the European Parliament and point out that NIkki does not have to have her expenses reported on and most MEPS do not in fact.
A statutory audit is a a further step which is another expensive item and you know that an audit of a personal income and expenses is virtually unknown. Even billionaires incomes reported to HMRC are usually reported on by accountants and not audited Name one of your pet MEPs who has their accounts reported on or audited.

Look, you say you were an accountant-are you sure about this?

It is typical of the cabal that the only MEP who has her accounts reported on and given a complete clearance by a respected firm of accountants who incidentally also state she spends a large amount of her personal income on the expenses of her office, was reported to the police for alleged fraud.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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